Wedding Photography Courses

Training and One to One Business Advice

Wedding photography courses to take your business to the next level

To be successful as a wedding photographer, you not only have to be a talented photographer with the ability to take beautiful images in often challenging conditions, but you must also have an excellent understanding of business and marketing. One of the sad truths of this is that an average photographer with excellent marketing skills will usually be far more successful than an excellent photographer with only average marketing skills.

To help wedding photographers take their business to the next level, I am offer wedding photography courses where we meet up on a one to one basis and together we analyse your business discuss all aspects of what it takes to make it more successful.

The wedding photography courses which I run are based around an open discussion about your business and us both working together to identify the areas which could be improved to help make it more successful.

I will explain how I have grown my own wedding photography business, the mistakes I have made and also the things I have learnt which have improved my business and allowed wedding photography to be my full time career.

I always tailor the day to your specific needs so I also give you the option of whether you would like to do any shooting on the day and for a small additional cost I can arrange a model. Many photographers who I have helped want to learn more about off camera flash for example, so having a model can be a big help – especially if you would like shots for your portfolio.

We will discuss all aspects of what it takes to build a successful wedding photography business, including; website design, building relationships with suppliers, creating multiple sources of enquires, pricing and packages, processing and workflow.

I will also explain how I approach and work on the wedding day itself and how I created the images which have been successful for me in awards and competitions.

The day itself, which will last for around 7 hours, it will be very informal and I will leave it up to you as to whether you would like to come to me or whether you would prefer me to come to you (no travel charged if within an hour of Manchester).

The day will be useful to wedding photographers of all levels and experience but in particular to photographers who are either starting out in the industry or those who are more established but whose businesses are not performing as well as they would like.

If you would like to book on one of my wedding photography courses, or if you have any other questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cost: £495

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